New York State Arborists Announces 2010 Scholarship Recipient

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ALBANY, NY (05/28/2010)(readMedia)-- The New York State Arborists Associaiton (NYSA) recently announced their 2010 student scholarship winner. The scholarship program is designed to honor academic excellence and nurture students' passion for arboriculture in their local communities. Each year NYSA awards $1,000 to the most-qualified undergraduate student enrolled in a college or university in New York State specializing in a field related to tree culture or care. The scholarship process is rigorous, requiring students to submit a resume, transcript, written statement and letter of recommendation from a faculty member.

"These annual awards are an opportunity for NYSA to identify high-achieving students and help them become strong young professionals and ambassadors for the Green Industry," commented Greg Frank, former NYSA President and current Scholarship Committee Chair. "In addition to highlighting the accomplishments of these students, awarding an annual scholarship is one of the many ways NYSA continually strives to give back to the State of New York and enhance the public image of Arborists. I am very pleased to coordinate this committee and sincerely enjoy reading the creative and inspiring applications we receive each year."

This year's recipient is Emily Tinalli (General Horticulture, SUNY Farmingdale). Emily completed her undergraduate education at SUNY New Paltz where she discovered her passion for "community enrichment through the transformative power of plants". Since then she continued her education at SUNY Farmingdale with a focus on urban horticulture. Upon receiving the NYSA scholarship, Emily had this to say, "Now that I have realized that I love and am successful at horticulture, I plan to pair community service with plants. I have not figured out, entirely, my plan of action, but I have just begun working with a community garden here on Long Island and this avenue will surely play a part in my future."

The winner's achievement was formally recognized during the Association's Award presentation at New York State's official Arbor Day celebrations in Albany.

The New York State Arborists (NYSA) is an association of professional arborists and educators who promote public interest and foster research and education in the care and benefits of trees, shrubs and their environment. NYSA represents nearly 600 arboriculture professionals, new and seasoned, throughout New York State. Members are actively involved in their local communi¬ties and their NYSA membership demonstrates their dedication to professionalism among their peers and to the public. For further information, visit the website at