NEW YORK, NY (03/27/2020) (readMedia)-- On Friday, State Senator Alessandra Biaggi, Assembly Member Yuh-line Niou, New York State Board of Elections Co-Chair Douglas A. Kellner, Onondaga County Democractic Elections Commissioner Dustin Czarny, and Susan Lerner of Common Cause/NY will join together for a press conference call to urge New York lawmakers to expand absentee voting in New York, as well as consolidate the primaries to June 23rd.
Currently, New York State has a very narrow set of reasons as to why voters can request an absentee ballot and vote absentee. Senator Biaggi's bill would expand those qualifications to include voters who are concerned over the spread of an illness during a state of emergency like COVID-19.
WHO: | Susan Lerner, Executive Director of Common Cause/NY State Senator Alessandra Biaggi Douglas A. Kellner, New York State Board of Elections Co-Chair Dustin Czarny, Onondaga County Democractic Elections Commissioner Assembly Member Yuh-line Niou LIST IN FORMATION |
WHAT: | Press conference call with Senator Biaggi, Election Commissioners, + Common Cause/NY advocating for expanding absentee voting during COVID-19 crisis. |
WHEN: | Friday March 27, 2020 at 01:30PM Eastern Time (US & Canada) |
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