Rep. Slaughter Receives Award from NYS Credit Union League

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Marie Betti, CEO, Western New York FCU and a NYSCUL board member, presents the League’s 2007 Legislator of the Year Award to Rep. Louise McIntosh Slaughter

LATHAM, NY (03/12/2008)(readMedia)-- U.S. Representative Louise McIntosh Slaughter (D-28th Congressional District) received the 2007 Legislator of the Year award from the New York State Credit Union League. The award was presented during a recent visit to her office in the Capitol building.

The League’s award recognizes a distinguished legislator who has shown outstanding commitment to issues of importance to New York credit unions.

Marie Betti, CEO of Western New York FCU and a League board member, presented the annual award to the highly esteemed representative.

“Congresswoman Slaughter is a strong proponent of progressive causes including education and community development initiatives, areas of interest that dovetail with credit union philosophy” said Betti during the presentation.

Betti also talked about the Representative’s ongoing support of credit unions, the close relationships she has formed with credit union leaders in her district, meeting with them in Washington and New York, and that she is one of 14 New York State co-sponsors of the Credit Union Regulatory Improvements Act (CURIA–H.R.1537).

“I am very proud to receive this distinguished award from the New York State Credit Union League,” said Rep. Slaughter. “Credit unions play an important role in promoting the economic well-being of New York’s families, especially those of modest means. I will continue to work with these institutions as they strive to assist individuals with their financial needs while fostering community development.”

Congresswoman Slaughter was elected to her 11th term as Representative from the 28th Congressional District in November 2006. Her diverse district includes the cities of Buffalo, Niagara Falls and Rochester. She is the chair of the influential House Committee on Rules and a member of the Democratic Steering & Policy Committee.

During her 21 years in Congress, Slaughter has won numerous awards for her leadership and dedication to public service. Prior to entering Congress, she served in the New York State Assembly (1982-86) and the Monroe County (NY) Legislature (1976-79) she served as regional coordinator to then-Secretary of State Mario Cuomo (1976-78) and to then Lt. Governor Mario Cuomo (1979-82).

A native of Kentucky, Congresswoman Slaughter has lived most of her life in Rochester’s suburb of Fairport with her husband Robert. She has three daughters and seven grandchildren.

The New York State Credit Union League (NYSCUL) has served as the trade association for the state’s credit unions for 91 years. It is the fifth largest league in the country. New York credit unions have assets of more than $39 billion and more than 4.2 million members. To learn more about the League, visit
