William James College Student Awarded Sonya Kurzweil Grant for Doctoral Project

Two clinical PsyD students at William James College, a school of psychology in Newton, Massachusetts have been awarded the 2022 Sonya Kurzweil grant for their doctoral project. Now in its fifth cycle, This program awards up to two $5,000 grants to third or fourth-year Wiliam James College Clinical Psychology PsyD students pursuing research topics related to the behavioral health needs of children and families.

This grant is made possible by a generous donation from the Sonya Kurzweil Developmental Center (SKDC), a non-profit organization whose mission is to provide mental health services to women, children, adolescents, parents, and families.

To view these students click here: https://williamjames.meritpages.com/achievements/William-James-College-Student-Awarded-Sonya-Kurzweil-Grant-for-Doctoral-Project/156020