SPRINGFIELD, IL (05/04/2015)(readMedia)-- Command Sgt. Maj. Joseph Cistaro of Chicago, a 28-year military veteran and 22-year veteran of the Chicago Police Department, assumed responsibility of the 65th Troop Command Brigade in Springfield, Illinois during a ceremony May 2.
A change of responsibility ceremony is held when the senior enlisted leader of a unit changes.
Cistaro will be the senior noncommissioned officer (NCO) for the 65th and will advise 65th Troop Command Brigade Commander, Col. Michael Glisson of Festus, Missouri, on all matters related to the brigade's enlisted Soldiers.
Cistaro took the reins from Command Sgt. Maj. John Cycotte who recently retired from the Illinois Army National Guard after more than 30 years of service and moved to Florida. For the last nine months, two other sergeant majors have done the job on an interim basis until Cistaro returned from deployment in Afghanistan.
"Just as anything else we receive in the Army, the goal is to return it better than when you received it," Cistaro said. "Command Sergeant Major Cycotte is a friend of mine and a superior leader. He left this organization in great shape and it is my goal to turn it over to the next command sergeant major even better than when I received it."
Cistaro has been mobilized overseas four times, most recently with the Illinois Army National Guard's Bilateral Embedded Staff Team which returned from Afghanistan in December 2014.
"In regards to my deployment to Afghanistan and my return I'd like to paraphrase Ernest Hemmingway....those who have hunted armed men long enough and liked it, never care for anything else thereafter," said Cistaro. "I am familiar with that sentiment however, that being said, being home with my friends and family after being away for nine months is a feeling that cannot be expressed in just a few lines. I am truly blessed."
Lt. Col. George Pohlmann of Lockport, Illinois, 65th Troop Command Brigade Executive Officer, said Cistaro is a great fit for the brigade and the commander.
"He is great for the Soldiers and puts everything in perspective," Pohlmann said. "He is a down to earth sergeant major who has embraced this diverse organization and will continue to make us better."
Cistaro said he expects his NCOs to continue to be professionals and do their job as leaders.
"It is very basic, absolutely necessary, and at times can be difficult," Cistaro said. "I expect them to put their Soldiers' needs in front of their own. I expect them to lead from the front and be an example for which their subordinates can emulate. Ultimately, I expect them to uphold the NCO Creed and live according to the Army values. I feel that if those expectations are too much for them, then a change of career field should be their first priority."
In his civilian capacity, Cistaro is a Chicago police officer. He has spent the last 18 years as a horse trainer and riding instructor in the Chicago Police Mounted Patrol Unit. He and his wife Kristie have five children.
Photo 1: Command Sgt. Maj. Joseph Cistaro of Chicago
Photo 2: Photo by Sgt. Dan LoGrasso, 139th Mobile Public Affairs Office/ Command Sgt. Maj. Joseph E. Cistaro of Chicago, incoming sergeant major for the 65th Troop Command Brigade in Springfield, Illinois, accepts the saber from Lt. Col. George Pohlmann of Lockport, Illinois, Executive Officer for the 65th. The saber represents Cistaro's responsibilities as a leader with a new unit during a change of responsibility ceremony. The change of responsibility ceremony takes place when the senior enlisted member of a unit changes over. It was held at Camp Lincoln in Springfield, Illinois on May 2.
Photo 3: Photo by Sgt. Dan LoGrasso, 139th Mobile Public Affairs Office/ Command Sgt. Maj. Joseph E. Cistaro of Chicago, incoming sergeant major for the 65th Troop Command Brigade in Springfield, Illinois, speaks at his change of responsibility ceremony. The change of responsibility ceremony takes place when the senior enlisted member of a unit changes over. It was held at Camp Lincoln in Springfield, Illinois on May 2.
Photo 4: Photo by Sgt. Dan LoGrasso, 139th Mobile Public Affairs Office/ Members of the 65th Troop Command Brigade salute during the national anthem at the change of responsibility ceremony for Command Sgt. Maj. Joseph E. Cistaro of Chicago. The change of responsibility ceremony takes place when the senior enlisted member of a unit changes over. It was held at Camp Lincoln in Springfield, Illinois on May 2.
For high resolution photos, please contact the Illinois National Guard Public Affairs Office at ng.il.ilarng.list.staff-pao@mail.mil
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