Community College of Vt.'s Commencement is June 2, 2012
The Honorable Denise R. Johnson to address graduates
MONTPELIER, VT (05/24/2012)(readMedia)-- The Community College of Vermont's (CCV) 2012 commencement will be held on Saturday, June 2, at 2 p.m. in the Shapiro Field House at Norwich University in Northfield, Vt. Each year nearly three thousand faculty, staff, and friends and relatives of students from 12 academic centers across the state gather to celebrate the graduating class.
This year 587 students will receive Associate of Arts, Associate of Science, or Associate of Applied Science degrees. The graduates range in age from 19 to 71, and 63 percent are first-generation college attenders. Twenty-nine military veterans will be receiving degrees. Students from all fourteen Vermont counties, eight other U.S. states, and from Bosnia-Herzegovina, Canada, Costa-Rica, Hungary, Lithuania, Moldova, Nepal, Senegal, and the United Kingdom will receive degrees.
The Honorable Denise R. Johnson, the first woman to be appointed a justice of the Vermont Supreme Court, will deliver the keynote address. Vermont Governor Peter Shumlin will join President Joyce Judy in leading the processional of graduates and dignitaries. Marshalls are retiring staff members David Buchdahl, director of institutional research and planning, and Janice E. Couture, coordinator of academic services.
Patrick Magnus, the class of 2012 student speaker, graduates with an Associate in Liberal Studies, and is currently pursuing a Bachelor's degree through the External Degree Program at Johnson State College. A recognized leader and a mentor to his fellow students, he continues to support new students in his role as an administrative assistant in the financial aid and admissions office at CCV-Winooski.
The 2012 CCV Community Service award will be presented to Bari and Peter Dreissigacker, co-founders of Concept2 Rowing of Morrisville, who have made exemplary contributions to Vermont and its communities in their work as inventors, entrepreneurs, employers, and philanthropists. The Faculty Community Service Award will be presented to Michael Ohler, who has successfully incorporated service-learning into the classes he has taught at CCV since 1998; and the Student Community Service Award will be presented to Stacey Andreola, who graduates with an Associate in Liberal Studies and has served as a mentor for the Boys & Girls Club, and volunteered at Porters Point Elementary School.