Concerned Clergy for Choice Is Extremely Disappointed in New York State Senate Vote on Same Gender Marriage

ALBANY, NY (12/03/2009)(readMedia)-- Concerned Clergy for Choice, a statewide multi-faith network of religious leaders, expressed deep disappointment over the New York State Senate vote against marriage equality for those of the same gender.

"We want to remind New Yorkers that marriage equality enjoys tremendous support within many faith communities statewide," said Rabbi Dennis S. Ross, director of Concerned Clergy for Choice. "Our pastoral care experience demonstrates that a same gender relationship has the same potential for holiness as one between a man and a woman. Many committed couples seek and deserve the right to enter into a legal marriage in this State," Rabbi Ross observed.

"Time will demonstrate the vision and moral courage of those State Senators who stand up for equality in marriage," he said. Pointing to the strength evident in same-gender relationships and their contribution to the stability of the community, Ross added, "We are confident that the rights, protections and responsibilities of marriage will one day be available to all couples in New York State. We will achieve equality and justice."

Concerned Clergy for Choice is a multi-faith network of 1,000 New York State religious leaders in support of equal rights for lesbians, gays, bisexuals and the transgendered, as well as sex education and access to reproductive health care The network includes ministers from Baptist, Episcopal, Lutheran, Methodist, Reform, United Church of Christ, Unitarian Universalist and other houses of worship, as well as rabbis serving in Conservative, Reconstructionist and Reform denominations of Judaism. CCC is a project of The Education Fund of Family Planning Advocates of NYS whose network draws from all areas of New York State.