Dancing for Hope
Gala Event Will Raise Money and Awareness for Victims of Domestic Violence
DES MOINES, IA (08/06/2009)(readMedia)-- More than $150,000 will soon be available to help restore hope for victims of domestic violence.
On August 21, Children & Families of Iowa will host Tango, an annual must-do on Des Moines' summer social calendar. Since it began over ten years ago, the gala event has raised over $1 million for victims of domestic violence, providing 11,600 nights of shelter and services for victims. Proceeds from ticket sales, sponsorships and auctions are expected to top $150,000 this year.
Tango will be held at the Scottish Rite Consistory in Des Moines. Susan Joynt, Events Coordinator, expects hundreds of guests, including some of the most notable names in Des Moines. "Some will come to bid on trips, tickets and jewelry. Some will come to dance and enjoy the music. All of them will be there to make a difference."
And Tango is making a difference. Domestic violence is a real issue for many Iowans. In just one day in Iowa, 800 victims will seek help from a domestic violence program. In just one hour, 19 will call a crisis line for help. Last year, 20 people lost their lives, the second highest number in almost 15 years. National statistics suggest that one in every four women will experience domestic violence.
Children & Families of Iowa provides help, healing, and hope to people affected by domestic violence in Iowa. We provide safe shelter, advocacy and outreach for over 7,000 victims every year. In the past five years, we have served over 44,000 victims of domestic violence.
Tango will be from 6:30 p.m. to 11 p.m. on Friday, August 21. To learn more about Tango, please call Susan Joynt at (515) 697-7961, e-mail her at SusanJ@cfiowa.org, or log on to www.cfiowa.org and click on the events tab.
Children & Families of Iowa is a private nonprofit organization dedicated to restoring hope, building futures and changing lives across Iowa. If you'd like to know more about domestic violence in Iowa, or to schedule an interview, please contact Amanda Acton at (515) 697-7969, e-mail her at AmandaA@cfiowa.org or visit www.cfiowa.org.