Family Weekend Serves Veterans

Nonprofits Share Grant to Produce Program

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LAKE PLACID, NY (04/18/2013)(readMedia)-- Mrs. Wright gripped her sons' hands as she held back tears; her oldest had deployed to Kuwait the day before. From her chair in the circle she spoke about family bonds and gratitude for a supportive community. The Wrights were one of more than 100 military families spending a weekend at the High Peaks Resort, attending the Spring for Hope Military Family Weekend.

The program was a joint production of Homeward Bound Adirondacks (HBA) and Creative Healing Connections (CHC), two nonprofits that jointly received a grant from the High Peaks Resort for full use of its facilities and staff. Together the organizations rallied the surrounding communities to produce a remarkable event for the families of veterans and service members.

"We had 264 participants; about 70 of them were children", said HBA Program Coordinator, Jordanna Mallach, "These families were so happy to be at an event that recognized their needs and their importance."

The event provided therapeutic and recreational activities as well as full access to the resort facilities. Workshops ranged from drumming and mask making to resiliency training and grounding skills. Offsite options included interpretive hikes and movies, even a "date night" for parents with daycare provided for 63 children at the resort.

HBA Business Director, Adrien Vlach, highlighted the community's involvement. "Homeward Bound is fundamentally about community solutions to the challenges faced by returning veterans. This event was a community production. From the incredible support of the Adirondack Mountain Club to the generosity of the Palace Theatre, everywhere we turned there were people and institutions willing to help".

Attendees ranged from active personnel, happy to get some time in with family off-base, to homeless vets from the Albany area who came up from the shelter in vans provided by HBA.

"With the help of the High Peaks Resort's amazing grant, both nonprofit organizations realized their respective missions", said CHC President Gail Doering. "Through the weekend's rich offerings Homeward Bound Adirondacks was 'guiding our Veterans all the way home', and Creative Healing Connections provided 'creative experiences that promote healing and growth'.

Verle Wright, career military man with a son bound for Kuwait, was thinking along different lines, "We were so moved and surprised by the warmth and interest of non-military people; we just didn't know there was this interest in us."


If you would like more information about this topic, or to schedule an interview, contact Adrien Vlach at (518) 891-4151 or