Hailey Charlson Receives Wisconsin Lutheran College 2020 Impact Award
On May 6, 2020, Wisconsin Lutheran College hosted a virtual celebration to present its 2020 Impact Awards. Each spring, graduating seniors, faculty, and staff nominate junior and senior students for the WLC Impact Award. Finalists are selected by a committee. This award is a recognition of an individual's positive impact and Christian servant leadership within the WLC community.
WLC senior Hailey Charlson, an art and psychology major from Rogers, Minnesota, is the 28th recipient of the college's Impact Award. Hailey is a graduate of West Lutheran High School.
When she was nominated for the award, here is how Hailey was described: "Involved as a Resident Assistant. Volunteer. Advocate. Approachable. Kind. Encourager. Friend. Determined. Unwavering faith. Promotes spiritual growth. She modeled Christian love and positivity in the wake of a classmate's death last yearHailey is selfless and devoted to serving others in any way possible."
Wisconsin Lutheran College congratulates Hailey, all the 2020 Impact Award nominees, and other students recognized at the celebration.
To view these students click here: https://wlc.meritpages.com/achievements/Hailey-Charlson-Receives-Wisconsin-Lutheran-College-2020-Impact-Award/122691