Judi Clements Training & Development Trains Leaders in Understanding Personality
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CLIFTON PARK, NY (05/06/2008)(readMedia)-- For the second year in a row, Judi Clements Training & Development in Clifton Park, NY was selected by the Chamber of Wyoming County, NY to kick off their annual Leadership Institute by presenting her one-day program: "The Leader Within You”.
According to Clements: “This is an opportunity to help leaders see that leadership is both an art and a science that revolves around what you project and what you read in others.” Clements uses the Myers Briggs Personality Typing tool to help leaders understand themselves and others. Through this understanding, comes tolerance and creativity. Clements says that” Good leaders speak many languages because each person they deal with is essentially speaking his or her own language.”
Clements received her qualification to administer the Myers Briggs Personality Type (MBTI) instrument in 1994 and since then, has trained hundreds of managers and front-line staff in personality type reading and interpretation. Unlike other personality assessments, the MBTI celebrates all types of personalities and shows people how diversity can strengthen an organization.
As president of Clifton-Park based Judi Clements Training & Development, Clements delivers corporate training and keynote speeches in the areas of supervision, communication, wellness, & customer service. Her programs are known for their interactivity; trainees stay engaged through discussion, case studies, simulations, & role plays. She can be reached at 518-371-9184 www.judiclements.com