Seasoned Professionals Meet to Discuss Volunteerism

Setting Guidelines for Pro Bono Work is Essential

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The Seasoned Professionals Discuss Volunteerism

CLIFTON PARK, NY (06/16/2011)(readMedia)-- Judi Clements, President of Judi Clements Training & Development, announces the next meeting of the "Seasoned Professional Group." It will take place on Thursday June 23, 2011 at the office of Judi Clements Training & Development in Clifton Park, NY at 2 PM. For more information or to register to attend, visit and visit "The Clifton Park Seasoned Professionals Group."

This Month's Topic

This month's topic is "Guidelines for Volunteering Professional Services".The discussion will center on setting realistic guidelines for pro bono work that balance good-citizenry and good-exposure, without "giving away the store". According to Clements, "As experienced professionals, we are often asked to donate our services. Figuring out how to balance our bottom line with our civic duty can be challenging."

About the Members

The Seasoned Professionals is open to employed professionals, as well as, business owners & consultants over 50 years of age who work either full or part time. The purpose of the group is to share ideas about how to stay fresh in one's chosen field as one finds their age in the minority.

Membership in Meetup.Com

Clements started the group under the umbrella of Meetup. Meetup is the world's largest network of local groups. Meetup makes it easy to organize a local group or find one of the thousands already meeting up face-to-face. More than 2,000 groups get together in local communities each day, each one with the goal of improving themselves or their communities. Meetup's mission is to revitalize local community and help people around the world self-organize. Meetup believes that people can change their personal world, or the whole world, by organizing themselves into groups that are powerful enough to make a difference.

About Judi Clements Training & Development

Judi Clements is president of Judi Clements Training & Development which offers corporate training and keynote speeches in the areas of supervision, communication, wellness, & customer service. Judi Clements has extensive experience as a keynote speaker, trainer, and stage performer. She brings this background into her programs with her "laugh while you learn" philosophy. Judi Clements can be reached at 518-371-9184, as well as on Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter, and You Tube.
