Local Professional Inducted Into Hall of Fame

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Ralph “Art” D’Amico, Credit Union Association of New York’s 2010 Hall of Fame Inductee

ALBANY, NY (06/16/2010)(readMedia)-- Oswego resident and Empower FCU volunteer Ralph "Art" D'Amico was inducted into the Credit Union Association of New York's Hall of Fame at their annual Convention held recently in Cooperstown, N.Y.

Hall of Fame honors are awarded to individuals who have devoted their lives to the philosophy and success of the credit union movement, and have had a significant impact on credit unions at the local, state or national level.

"Art's tireless dedication to credit unions in need is one the most notable of his contributions," said William J. Mellin, president and CEO of the Association. "He led multiple efforts to rescue and rebuild several credit unions in the state. His commitment and perseverance in those instances were exemplary and challenging to say the least."

D'Amico began his credit union career in 1951 as a cost accountant at Marathon Paper Company. While there, he took the initiative to form a credit union for their employees. He also became its first treasurer.

Twelve years later, the company moved out of the area and the credit union had to be liquidated. Because of D'Amico's leadership, they were able to pay out an amazing 19 percent dividend to the membership.

Rather than moving with the company, D'Amico continued to pursue his passion and commitment to the credit union movement by becoming manager of Nestle Employees Federal Credit Union (now Empower Federal Credit Union) until his retirement in 1982.

D'Amico's contributions to the statewide credit union movement were notable. Throughout his credit union career, he served in several elected positions for the Association's Central New York Chapter Council. The Chapter honored those contributions by forming a scholarship fund in his name to assist other volunteers in the pursuit of their goals.

Empower Federal Credit Union was chartered in 1939. As of Dec. 31, 2009, the credit union had over $830 million in assets and nearly 90,000 members. For more information about Empower FCU, please visit www.empowerfcu.com.

The Credit Union Association of New York has served as the trade association for the state's credit unions for 93 years. New York credit unions have assets of more than $50 billion and 4.4 million members. To learn more about the Association, visit www.cuany.org.
