NYers Converge in Albany for Intensive Training on Progressive Taxation & Economic Equity

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Boot camp participants gather on Monday morning

NEW YORK, NY (10/04/2011)(readMedia)-- Over one hundred New Yorkers from around the state convened in Albany yesterday for a two-day boot camp. The event involves discussions and trainings about progressive taxation and the state's political landscape.

This event -- which concludes today -- equips participants with tools to connect their own stories about layoffs, local school cuts, poor housing conditions, and loss of health coverage to state budget cuts. Participants dissect the latest data about the state's fiscal situation, including the impact of New York's decision to provide a tax break to New York's wealthiest households.

When they return home, the participants will apply the new skills to local struggles, including the burgeoning #occupywallstreet movement.


Over 100 New Yorkers representing grassroots organizations and service agencies from across the state


 Interviews with boot camp participants

WHEN: Tuesday October 04, 2011 at 01:15PM Eastern Time (US & Canada)
WHERE: Crowne Plaza Hotel
Corner of State and Lodge Streets
Ballroom E, Level B
Albany, New York