ALBANY, NY (05/08/2008)(readMedia)-- Denis Hughes, President of the 2 ½ million member New York State AFL-CIO today announced the State Labor Federation’s “early endorsement” of Dan Maffei in the 25th Congressional District.
Labor’s endorsements for public office normally take place at the New York State AFL-CIO’s constitutional or political conventions, held every two years during the month of August. However, Dan Maffei enjoys such overwhelming support of the local labor movement within the 25th congressional district, the State Federation’s executive board decided to vote earlier than usual.
Once a candidate is endorsed by the New York State AFL-CIO, the state federation can immediately begin to coordinate an aggressive grassroots field operation on behalf of the candidate.
President Hughes stated, “The New York State AFL-CIO is pleased to announce its endorsement of Dan Maffei. Dan has an outstanding relationship with local unions and their members throughout the 25th congressional district. An early endorsement of Dan Maffei was an easy call for our executive board.
“As a result of his outreach to local unions, Dan is very familiar with the goals, issues and initiatives of the labor movement in his district. Our executive board recognized his vast local support and acted quickly to ensure that labor’s extensive grassroots initiative could be developed immediately, and implemented well in advance of the November elections.
“I am quite confident that with labor’s strong support, and with the extra time we have to work on this election, that Dan Maffei will be elected to Congress this November”, said Hughes.
Upon receiving the New York State AFL-CIO’s endorsement, Dan Maffei stated, “We need a leader in Congress who will make reviving our economy and bringing jobs back to this region a priority. I am proud to receive the early endorsement of the New York State AFL-CIO to help jumpstart my campaign to bring a new direction for Central and Upstate New York. The hard working men and women of Upstate New York deserve a Congressman who will make creating and retaining good paying jobs a priority, and I will be that leader in Congress.”
The New York State AFL-CIO represents approximately 60,000 union members in the 25th congressional district.