New York State AFL-CIO Endorses Candidates for Congress

NEW YORK, NY (08/19/2008)(readMedia)--

Today at the New York State AFL-CIO's Constitutional Convention, delegates voted to endorse the following candidates for Congress:

New York State AFL-CIO 2008 Endorsed Candidates for U.S. Congress

1. Tim Bishop (D/WF)

13. Michael McMahon (D/WF)**

24. Mike Arcuri (D/WF)

2. Steve J. Israel (D/I/WF)

14. Carolyn B. Maloney (D/WF)

25. Dan Maffei (D/WF)**

4. Carolyn McCarthy (D/I/WF)

15. Charles B. Rangel (D/WF)

26. Jon Powers (D/WF)**

5. Gary L. Ackerman (D/I/WF)

16. Jose E. Serrano (D/WF)

27. Brian M. Higgins (D/WF)


17. Eliot L. Engel (D/L/WF)

28. Louise M. Slaughter (D/I/WF)

7. Joseph Crowley (D/WF)

18. Nita M. Lowey (D/WF)

29. Eric Massa (D/WF)**

8. Jerrold Nadler (D/WF)

19. John Hall (D/I/WF)

9. Anthony Weiner (D/WF)

20. Kirsten Gillibrand (D/WF)

10. Edolphus Towns (D)

21. Paul Tonko (D)

11. Yvette Clarke (D)

22. Maurice Hinchey (D/WF)

12. Nydia M. Velazquez (D/WF)

23. John McHugh (R/I/C)

** Early Endorsement
