ALBANY, NY (06/08/2011)(readMedia)-- The following statement was issued by Denis Hughes, President of the 2 ½ million member New York State AFL-CIO:
"Unfortunately, the Tier 6 legislation proposed today represents another step backward for all working men and women in New York State. Even worse, it serves as a distraction from the real issue of the day: job creation. This bill would force working families, with already modest incomes, to make even more sacrifices in a year when we have threatened to lay off public employees, reduce their benefits, and cut essential services for all New Yorkers.
"Let's be clear. This bill does nothing to address New York's greatest problem, job creation. Today's proposal only deflects from this vital issue.
"Today, New York continues to endure high unemployment, a shrinking public sector and a diminished private sector. Rather than address those very real concerns, this legislation proposes to make middle class workers even more economically insecure, and well into the future.
"We cannot continue along this misguided path of attacking the benefits and economic well-being of New York's working people. Let's remember, Tier 5 was created just one year ago. We were told at the time that those pension reforms were necessary to alleviate economic stress.
"Again, this bill will do nothing to create jobs. But we can guarantee it will dissuade qualified people from entering public service, diminish public safety, and send a message that New York does not value the important service that public employees provide.
"We urge the Governor to rethink this strategy and we urge the legislature to reject this bill outright. Job creation needs to be our immediate goal. We have been promised that the sacrifices already made this year would do just that. Before we impose any more cuts on New York's working families, let's make sure the promises already made come true."