Vermont Dual Enrollment Program Receives Education Excellence Award

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NEBHE Chair Dan Connors, CCV President Joyce Judy, and NEBHE President & CEO Michael Thomas

MONTPELIER, VT (03/28/2011)(readMedia)-- The Vermont Dual Enrollment Program received the New England Board of Higher Education (NEBHE) Vermont State Merit Award at NEBHE's ninth annual dinner in Boston on Friday, March 11, 2011. A state merit award is presented annually to honor the innovative work of organizations, institutions, or individuals in each New England state.

High School students enrolled in the Vermont Dual Enrollment program earn college credit while still in high school or the summer after they graduate. Successful students have earned anywhere from three to 18 college credits, decreasing the time it takes to get a degree, reducing the costs associated with college. Courses in the program are offered tuition-free, with support from Vermont Student Assistance Corporation's federal GEAR UP grant and the state of Vermont's Next Generation Initiative.

Community College of Vermont President Joyce Judy accepted the award on behalf of the Vermont State Colleges.

"Public and private support have made dual enrollment opportunities available to Vermont high school students, and both public and private colleges participate in this program," said Judy. "With assistance from Senator Leahy, Vermont was able to secure some funding from the Federal Department of Labor to help launch this program and today, Vermont's Governor and Legislature have made this program a funding priority. In addition to these dollars, there are many entities that have provided resources to grow this program. They include the Nellie Mae Foundation, the Vermont Community Foundation, and VSAC's GEAR UP program."

NEBHE is a congressionally authorized, six-state agency whose mission is to promote greater educational opportunities and services for residents of New England. NEBHE programs are principally focused on the relationship between New England higher education and regional economic development.

For information about the Vermont Dual Enrollment Program visit: For information about VSAC's GEAR UP program visit: