What NOW? National NOW Leaders to Discuss Women in National Politics

Aftermath of the Hillary Clinton Campaign

ALBANY, NY (07/30/2008)(readMedia)--

Olga Vives, Executive Vice President of the National Organization for Women (NOW) and Marcia Pappas, President of NOW- New York State, will be the featured speakers at a forum on sexism in politics, as played out during the recent sharply divided Democratic presidential primary. "What NOW? Women, Power, and Politics in the Post-Hillary Era," sponsored by the Tompkins County NOW chapter, will be held at the Women's Community Building, 100 Seneca Street, Ithaca, NY, Room 2/3 on Thursday, August 14, at 7 p.m.

Among the issues to be examined are the coverage of the campaigns by the national media, the limitations of the caucus system in allowing representative access to voting, and possible reforms going forward.

The event promises to evoke spirited discussion, especially given its location in the heart of a district that voted heavily for Barack Obama yet prides itself on supporting progressive ideals, including feminism, and has no lack of female leadership among its political power structure.

Lori Gardner, President of the Tompkins County Chapter and Executive Vice President of NOW- New York State, offered one perspective on the theme of the event: "Contrary to the words of some who say that Hillary's candidacy is proof that a woman can become president of the United States, her campaign's failure to win the nomination, despite her superior qualifications and tireless work not only as a candidate but for 8 years as our U.S. Senator, proves that this country, particularly its political and opinion leaders, are still not ready to accept a woman for the highest office in the land."

National NOW's PAC was the first and largest women's organization to endorse Senator Hillary Clinton during the primary. The event is free and open to the public.

Lori Gardner: lcgardner@peoplepc.com