Upper Hudson Planned Parenthood Begins Bus Campaign for Free HPV Vaccine

ALBANY, NY (10/15/2009)(readMedia)-- Thanks to a generous grant from the New York State Department of Health, Upper Hudson Planned Parenthood (UHPP) will be offering free HPV vaccines to women in the area that are between the ages of 18 and 25 during the months of November and December. To promote this event, UHPP is working with Lamar Transit Advertising and creating a bus campaign in an attempt to remove the obstacles of price and transportation and encourage young and low-income women in the area to make an appointment to get vaccinated.

Women can greatly benefit from receiving the HPV vaccine. Studies have shown that the vaccine is a safe and effective way to prevent most types of cervical cancer and genital warts. While the vaccine is generally provided at a $400 value, UHPP is offering the HPV vaccine at no cost to patients. In addition, as incentives for low-income women to make appointments to get vaccinated, UHPP is offering a free week of bus passes to patients after their first visit to UHPP clinics to get the HPV vaccine. With the new UHPP campaign, women have the opportunity to receive the HPV vaccine and a week of bus passes at no cost. "This is a great opportunity for women in the Albany area." says Christine Pluviose, UHPP Vice President for Patient Services. "It is important for women to know that the HPV vaccine is safe and effective, even for women who are already sexually active, and that Upper Hudson Planned Parenthood is a beneficial resource for them."

Although the vaccine provides women with protection against cervical cancer and genital warts, there are common myths related to its dangers. One myth is that it encourages young women to become sexually active. "This is not true," says Beverley Krauss, UHPP Medical Advisor. "Studies show that people who are educated about HPV and understand the risks are less likely to engage in unprotected sex." Women also often tend to be concerned about the side effects of the HPV vaccine. Beverley states that "the side effects for the HPV vaccine are no worse or greater in number than the side effects for any other vaccine."

The UHPP campaign will begin in early November and continue for 8 weeks. The bus campaign will consist of advertisements in bus shelters, bus backs, and bus interiors. UHPP hopes to see a significant increase in the number of women who are interested and able to obtain the vaccine.

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Upper Hudson Planned Parenthood (UHPP) is a community-based non-profit organization providing advocacy, education and medical services for reproductive health care since 1934. In 2008, over 11,000 patients made 22,257 visits to UHPP health centers located in Albany, Hudson and Troy. UHPP health educators present over 500 education programs reaching over 6,000 youth and young adults each year. UHPP services are delivered with special concern for the underserved.