Planned Parenthood Outreach Teams Urge Partners to Use Protection During National Condom Week

Nearly 19 Million STDs and over 3 Million Unintended Pregnancies Occur Each Year

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UHPP Condom week swag

ALBANY, NY (02/11/2013)(readMedia)-- With National Condom Week set for February 14-21, Upper Hudson Planned Parenthood teams will be visiting local night spots urging sexually active individuals to talk to their partners about the importance of using condoms to protect against sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) and unintended pregnancy. Nearly 19 million STDs and more than 3 million unintended pregnancies occur each year, and condoms are the only form of contraception that also helps reduce the risk of STDs.

"Education and communication equip people to make responsible decisions about their health," said Chelly Hegan. "Data shows many people who have a sexually transmitted infection don't even realize it, so it's important to let your partner know that you want to use condoms every time you have sex to keep both of you healthy."

Contradicting long-established beliefs, a study published in February issue of the Journal of Sexual Medicine found that men and women rated recent sexual experiences as highly pleasurable whether or not condoms were used.

For National Condom Week, Planned Parenthood affiliates and Vox®: Voices for Planned Parenthood campus chapters nationwide are sponsoring activities to help foster discussion about condom use among sexual partners.

Upper Hudson Planned Parenthood staff and volunteers will be visiting over twenty night spots in the Albany, Troy, and Hudson region on Friday, February 15th and Saturday, February 16th.. At each location safer sex kits, as well as great prizes, will be given out. To find out more about where we'll be and when visit

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Sexually Transmitted Disease Surveillance 2010 estimates that nearly 19 million STDs occur each year, nearly half of which are among 15- to 24-year-olds. Women are at greater risk of infection than men, and STDs contribute to more severe health consequences for women. Planned Parenthood's line of stylish PROPER ATTIRE® condoms is designed to help women feel more comfortable buying and carrying condoms.

Every year Planned Parenthood health centers provide nearly three million women, men, and teens nationwide with health services, and more than one million with education to prevent STDs and unintended pregnancy.

Upper Hudson Planned Parenthood is a non-profit organization serving Albany, Columbia, Greene and Rensselaer counties. Each year, more than 13,000 patients make over 20,000 visits to UHPP health centers in Albany, Hudson and Troy. UHPP provides a wide range of reproductive health services including annual GYN exams including PAP tests, breast exams and self exam instruction, colposcopy, cryosurgery and LEEP, birth control information and supplies, Emergency Contraception, pregnancy testing and options counseling, first trimester abortion (medication and surgical), adoption and prenatal referrals, and more. UHPP provides educational programs to more than 5,000 participants at more than 500 programs each year and advocates for women's health.