Upper Hudson Planned Parenthood Now Offering Male-Friendly STI Screening
ALBANY, NY (03/07/2008)(readMedia)-- Upper Hudson Planned Parenthood (UHPP) wants men to know that screening for sexually transmitted infections (STI) is now easier and a much more comfortable procedure. UHPP now carries a urine-based screening method for chlamydia and gonorrhea. The screening is priced on a sliding-fee scale with the costs varying from free to $25. The screening is recommended for men up to 25 years of age. Medicaid, most insurances, and credit cards are accepted. UHPP’s health centers are located in downtown Albany, Hudson, Latham and Troy.
Cases of chlamydia are very high and climbing, both nationally and locally. According to the Department of Health and Human Services: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), in 2006 there were 1,030,911 nationally reported cases of chlamydia; the highest number ever recorded for a nationally reported disease in a given year. In 2005, in Albany County, the rate of chlamydia was 300.2 cases per 100,000 total population. While rates of gonorrhea are much lower, they too are climbing. Albany County reported a rate of 128 cases per 100,000 in 2005 compared to a New York State rate of 93.2 and a national rate of 115.6.
According to Christine Pluviose, Vice President for Patient Services, Upper Hudson Planned Parenthood, it is extremely important for men and women to get tested. “The majority of men who have chlamydia or gonorrhea do not show signs or symptoms at all, which makes it that much more important to get tested, especially if you have more than one partner,” said Pluviose. “Lots of men have been apprehensive of the old method for screening chlamydia and gonorrhea, and would therefore postpone or avoid testing. We hope and expect that these new testing methods will encourage more men to take advantage of this service.”
Local students questioned about the new testing methods reflected this observation. “People are already scared at the thought of receiving negative results; the older screening method only added to the fear,” said 20 year old SUNY Albany student Gregory Duckoff. “I would feel a lot less reluctant getting tested knowing that I don’t have to be in an awkward and uncomfortable position,” said 18 year-old SUNY Albany student Isaam Wahab.
The previous screening method for chlamydia and gonorrhea consisted of collecting a culture of the infection by swabbing the inside of the urethral opening on the head of the penis; a procedure that most men found uncomfortable. Now with urine-based testing, the process becomes more comfortable and simpler. For more information on urine-based STI screening, chlamydia, gonorrhea and other STI screening, please visit the UHPP website at www.plannedparenthood.com/uhpp or call toll-free 1-800-230-PLAN.
Upper Hudson Planned Parenthood is a community-based non-profit organization providing advocacy, education and medical services for reproductive health care in the capital region since 1934. Our services are delivered with special concern for the underserved.