ALBANY, NY (11/04/2014)(readMedia)-- Members of Women in Insurance & Financial Services (WIFS) were recognized for their high achievements Friday, October 24th during the 2014 National Conference in Lake Buena Vista, Florida.

The Circle of Excellence recognizes WIFS members who achieve significant income levels in the insurance and financial services industry. This prestigious recognition is based on annual production for the previous year. A record breaking 157 members qualified for this distinction with combined income of $43.5 million.

The following women were recognized:

Infinity Award Winner | Highest Level of Income

Donna B. Nadler CFP®, MBA

Diamond | $1,000,000+

Vicki Catsimpiris, Karen DeRose CFP®, CRPC®, Gail Hill CLU®, ChFC®, LUTCF, Ellie Mills CLU®, RFC, LUTCF, Donna B. Nadler CFP®, MBA

Emerald | $750,000 - $1,000,000

Colleen M. Bowler CFP®, Betty Harris Custer CFP®, CRPC®, Raeann Kusch CFP®, ChFC®, FIC, CLU®, Dianna Parker CFP®, Bridget R. Yeung CRPC®, LUTCF

Sapphire | $500,000 - $750,000

Suzanne Aigen CLU®, CLTC, Lisa S. Boyer CFP®, Elizabeth Dipp Metzger, Toni Espey CASL, Kathleen Godfrey, Michele Greene LUTC, Elizabeth Liechty ChFC®, CLU®, ADPA, Anne M. Machesky, Susan C. Slone CFP®, CLU®, CASL, Judy Smith CFP®, CRPC®, Laura Traeger AAI, CPIW, Cheryl C. Whitney CFP®, MS, CRPC®, Nancy Wolfe-Smith CLU®, FLMI, LUTCF

Ruby | $250,000 - $500,000

Regina Beatty CRPC®, Carri Berger RFC, Luisa Bravo ChFC®, Sarah M. Cato CFP®, ChFC®, CLU®, RICP®, Sarah Cicero CFP®, Eileen Cioe CFP®, CFS, CLTC, Jeanmarie A. Deliso, Cynthia Diccianni RN, ChFC®, CLTC, CSA, AEP, Marie Draper CFP®, Laurie Dubow, Susan M. Ellis CFP®, Erin Fisher, Karen Foley CFP®, Tara Garvin Clark, Pamela Gilmour CPA, CFP®, CLU®, ChFC®, CASL, Diane Hack Gould CLU®, ChFC®, CLTC, CAP, MSFS, Jessica D. Hughes CFS, Monica A. Jones MBA, FIC, Valerie P. Kaiser CFP®, Lisa Lettenmaier, Gail Linn CFP®, CASL, ChFC®, LUTCF, Diane Mack-Berk AAI, CIC, CPIW, Joleen Hegland Mainz CFP®, ChFC®, CLTC, Juli McNeely CFP®, CLU®, LUTCF, Kathie H. Okun CLU®, LUTCF, Deborah E. Pajak CFP®, ChFC®, CLTC, CDFA, CFBS, Donna A. Patton CLU®, ChFC®, Jill Pietrusinski, Arthea Reed PhD, CLTC, Morissa F. Rivo, ShirleyAnn Robertson CLTC, Sheila Roesler CFP®, CLU®, ChFC®, AEP, CASL, Melanie Shanty CRPC®, Stacey Spedden-Irrgang CRPC®, LUTCF, Victoria Staudinger CLU®, ChFC®, CFP®, Adrienne Upchurch MBA, CFP®, CLU®, Marion A. Watkins

Pearl | $125,000 - $250,00

Christina Aleckson, Linda Anderson, Lilia Arandela LUTCF, ChFC®, CLU®, CASL, Melissa Barnickel CPA, CLTC, Kari Jo Bear CFP®, Diane Bedore CLU®, LUTCF, FIC, Cathy Bowman CLTC, LUTCF, Carol E. Brian, Monica Brown ChFC®, Susan L. Combs PPACA, Caroline Emswiler CFP®, Theresa M. Engle CWS, Vickie L. Ford CLU®, Sondra Goldstein, Judy Gregory LUTCF, ARPC, Charlene Guisasola, Melanie Hagan, Debra Hedgcoth RICP®, CLTC, FIC, Sheri Hoble CPA, CFP®, Kelly Hoff, Shaneon Hohenstein, Susan Ianniello, Diana Johnston CLU®, ChFC®, CASL, LUTCF, Karen Kane, Nancy Kelly CLU®, CASL, Jeanmarie E. Kricher, Effy Lamp, Deborah Lewis CFP®, ChFC®, MBA, CPA, Manda Lewis LUTCF, CLTC, Odalis M. Lopez CFP®, Kelli A. Lyons Stevens, Mackenzie Martin, Pamela Jackson Middleton MBA, CLU®, ChFC®, Yuka Nakahara-Goven MBA, CLU®, Andrea Nameche CLTC, Lisa Nesser CFP®, Rugmini Padmakumar PhD, Josephine Pemberton, Julie T. Prior, Mary Pucciarelli CASL, Anne B. Reed LUTCF, Angela Ribuffo RICP®, Tammy Robbins, Karen Roberts CLU®, CHFC®, Rose M. Roberts-Jassoy CLU®, ChFC®, Eve Samuel CASL, Jackie Lynn Sartin, Marielena Scanlon MA, Angelia Z. Shay CLU®, ChFC®, LUTCF, Kelly Stahl CLU®, FLMI, Sheila D. Stith CSA, Mary Strasdin CPA, Alice Tang ChFC®, Ellen D. Tillman CLU®, MBA, Kimberly Turner CFP®, MSFS, ChFC®, CLU®, CAP®, CRPS®, LUTCF, Megan Walsh, Marti Webster CPIA, CIC, NAPW, Carol Wechsler CPA, MBA, Leasha West MSFS, ChFC®, CLTC, CASL®, MDRT, Beverly White CLU®, LUTCF, Nancy Wilson, Julie Yunker CFP®, CLU®, ChFC®

Topaz | $75,000 - $125,000

Angela Brown, Cindy Cavener-Sumner, Georgia I. Chletcos LUTCF, CLTC, Debora D. Clark LUTCF, Anne Clayton CWS, Janine Cobb, Margaret Crossland LUTCF, CLTC, Lauren Debelius MBA, Lorraine Dorsa FCA, MAAA, MSPA, EA, CEBS, Kathleen Emerling-Hom, Jacqueline S. Figiel, Evelyn Gellar LUTCF, Andrea Gellert CSA, Series 6, Susan Glass LUTCF, Cheryl Gunsell CLU®, LUTCF, CLTC, Michelle Harm MBA, Mindy S. Helfrich, Nancy P. Hertwig CLU®, ChFC®, CASL, LTCP, Annette Kendall, Martha S. Kern CFP®, ChFC®, Jennie Kim LUTCF, Elizabeth Kuhns MA, LUTCF, Sunnie Lee, Judith Luddy CLU®, ChFC®, CLTC, CHSNC, Joanne McDonough CLU®, LUTCF, FIC, CLTC, Christine Mergner, Elicia G. Mundy-Pellish CFP®, CDFA™, Tessie Olivera, Jeanne Peterson CFP®, LUTCF, CLTC, Terry Smith, Barbara S. Soth, Ramona Stoltz LUTCF, CLTC, Sheri Swackhamer CLTC, FIC, Mary Beth Velzy, Lindsay Vitovsky CFP®, CDFA

About WIFS

For over 75 years, Women in Insurance & Financial Services (WIFS) has served as the preeminent professional organization for women in the industry. Over 1,000 members and 24 local chapters are active nationally. WIFS is dedicated to attracting accomplished women to the financial services sector, developing their talents and advancing them toward success. Benefits include educational webinars, mentorship programming, coaching services, e-newsletters, peer connection and more.

For more information about WIFS, visit www.wifsnational.org or contact Deborah Duffy, Executive Director at 866.264.9437
