CSEA Erie County Local votes down labor agreement

BUFFALO, NY (08/23/2012)(readMedia)-- Nearly 3,000 CSEA-represented Erie County employees, including employees at Erie County Medical Center Corporation and Erie Community College, voted three to one to reject a tentative agreement reached by the county and union late July.

Among their biggest concerns were:

• Provisions to eliminate retiree health insurance coverage for new hires and those employees with fewer than 15 years of service;

• A requirement to pay 15 percent of health insurance costs;

• An unacceptable level of compensation-- $1,250-- referred to as a "signing bonus," to cover lost wages since the contract lapsed in 2006; and

• A provision that makes changes to holidays and time off.

"We brought the tentative agreement reached in late July to our membership and they have spoken by voting 2,144 no votes to 706 yes votes, a three to one ratio," said CSEA Erie County Local President Joan Bender "We will return to the negotiating table for discussions once again in good faith, balancing what is best for our members and their families."
