CSEA says canal layoffs will harm people, boaters, canal communities and tourism

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ALBANY, NY (02/15/2013)(readMedia)-- CSEA and other concerned individuals, businesses and organizations are questioning the wisdom of plans to lay off 42 New York State Canal workers for reasons they say are more political than practical. The layoffs are among the 234 people to be terminated by the NYS Thruway Authority, which oversees the canal operations.

"This is just a bad idea - the canals are an invaluable resource for New York State in so many ways," said CSEA President Danny Donohue. "It is very important that we let the public know how this ill conceived plan will hurt people, businesses and communities."

The canal system is a symbol of New York's forward thinking on economic development and innovation. While commercial traffic has diminished since the canal's heyday, the canal system still drives economic development in waterway communities, especially through tourism and recreation.

The layoffs come at a critical time when major storms and flooding continue to threaten communities along the Mohawk Valley. Locks in some parts of the state require hands-on manipulation by skilled workers to control dam movement and regulate water levels. The intricacy of this work should not be underestimated.

Statewide support for strong canals is growing. CSEA released statements from a wide range of individuals, businesses and organizations in support of strong Canal operations (See attachment). CSEA has also joined a grass-roots coalition effort to stop the cuts, New Yorkers Against Canal Cuts, which has established a petition site to galvanize support at: www.change.org/petitions/stopnycanalcuts.

Among other activities, the coalition will start handing out flyers at the Central New York Boat Show in Syracuse this weekend.

CSEA believes the layoffs are political retaliation because ongoing labor negotiations have not concluded. The fact that management employees and political appointees have been spared from layoffs is further evidence that unionized workers are being targeted in a vindictive action that makes no economic or operational sense.

"Governor Cuomo says his administration is about jobs and the economy but putting dedicated workers out of work and undermining the state Thruway and Canal operations is a lousy way to promote a jobs agenda," Donohue said.
