Press Opportunity

Local High School Students Lead on World AIDS Day

ALBANY, NY (11/21/2007)(readMedia)-- What: Opportunity to talk to UHPP High School S.T.A.R.S. Peer Educators about World AIDS Day and the impact of HIV/AIDS on today’s youth.

When: By appointment, Monday, November 26 through Wednesday, November 28

Where: Empire State Plaza

Background: The UHPP S.T.A.R.S. peer educators are high school students who have been recruited and trained to provide factual information about sexual health and responsibility to their high school peers. Students from Albany High School and from Chatham, Taconic Hills and Hudson High Schools in Columbia County have recently returned from the national Ryan White Conference which they attend each year to learn the latest information about HIV/AIDS education and prevention. These students, who are part of the UHPP S.T.A.R.S. program, will be leading workshops and tours of the NAMES Quilt for area students during the New York State World AIDS Day events at Empire Plaza.

Photos will be available by 11/28
