Statement by CSEA President Danny Donohue

ALBANY, NY (07/29/2008)(readMedia)--

“Governor Paterson’s talk of reducing the state work force to solve New York’s fiscal problems is nothing but a sham. When the governor talks about families who can’t afford to heat their homes, can’t afford to put gas in their cars and can’t afford groceries, he is describing his own workers and their families who will only be hurting more after he takes away their jobs.

“At a time when we need better and bolder solutions, the governor is relying on failed policies from the past. There are better ways to address fiscal challenges than laying off working people in a troubled economy.

“New Yorkers deserve better ideas than this. CSEA is willing to work with Gov. Paterson and other state leaders to come up with solutions to the fiscal challenges we face that will have a real and lasting impact on the future of this state. Responsible, long-term solutions must include creative ways of increasing revenue instead of simply cutting jobs and gutting services.

“We will not stand by for knee jerk political solutions that diminish our quality of life and create more misery.”
