UHPP Campaign Urges Make Time to Talk About Sex

Bus campaign launched featuring Albany teens and parents

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ALBANY, NY (10/01/2007)(readMedia)-- Upper Hudson Planned Parenthood has launched an ad campaign featuring Albany teens and parents aimed at encouraging families to “Make Time to Talk About Sex.” Ads on Albany CDTA buses were launched today, October 1, 2007, in celebration of National Family Sexuality Education Month. The campaign concept and design were developed by UHPP’s STARS peer educators—Albany high school students recruited and trained to serve as peer educators on issues of sexual health and responsibility.

In addition to the bus ads, posters will be distributed to schools and organizations that serve teens in downtown Albany. Then, in November, ads will be posted in selected downtown bus kiosks. Each ad features a photo of a local teen and a local parent and the words “If You Ask, I'll Answer…If You Talk, I'll Listen. Make Time to Talk About Sex.” The ads also promote the UHPP web site at www.uhpp.org and the Albany education phone number, 434-5678 x 160, so people can contact the organization for tips and resources in support of parent-child communication about sex.

STARS stands for Seriously Talking About Responsible Sex. The STARS peer educators who developed the campaign over the summer had a lengthy discussion before deciding on the campaign focus. They could have chosen to promote safer sex practices, to combat myths about pregnancy prevention, to promote membership in their own program, or one of many other topics related to the program’s goal of reducing teen pregnancy. The high school students felt strongly that teens needed to be able to talk to parents and caregivers about sex, and that both parents and teens needed encouragement to start that conversation. Listening to each other—and not just lecturing or arguing—was also something they hoped to convey as important to any conversation—but especially one about sex.

Amanda Stahl, UHPP Youth Program Faciliator, works with the STARS peer educators every week and sees just how much of an impact adults can have on young people’s behavior and attitudes. “Kids need to know that parents and caregivers are genuinely interested in their sexual health” Stahl explained. “Once they know that an adult is willing to listen and to answer questions honestly and with sympathy, the questions will keep coming and the potential for impact is enormous.”

UHPP Senior Vice President for External Affairs, Rob Curry, explained further. “ How can a youth understand what is expected, if these expectations are never stated? And just saying ‘don’t do it’ is not enough. What does that mean? How do I say no in a given situation? How do I handle the reaction? What if I really love this person? These are the questions that need to be heard and discussed. The conversation needs to start when kids are young, and not just when something bad happens. When a caregiver is clear about their own values regarding sex and sexuality, research shows that their teens develop healthier attitudes and behavior toward sexual decision-making.”

Upper Hudson Planned Parenthood has health centers in downtown Albany, Latham, Hudson and Troy and offers youth and adults a wide range of reproductive health services, educational programming and resources. The STARS peer education program is made possible by a grant from the NYS Department of Health Community Based Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention Program. National Family Sexuality Education Month has been celebrated in October by Planned Parenthood Federation of American and over 50 national organizations for the last fourteen years.

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