The Child Care Subsidy Reduction effect: Providers and Parents bring reality to Suffolk County Legislature

ALBANY, NY (09/12/2012)(readMedia)-- WHAT: Providers and Parents will appear before the full Suffolk County Legislature to bring forward the devastating effect the reduction in child care eligibility has had on them and to make a push to add county funding for subsidies as they had prior to 2009.

"In our meetings with the County Executive and County Legislators, officials have agreed that this program is vital for our communities to thrive. With the upcoming county budget being negotiated right now, we need them to know that putting county funds into child care is a good investment in our local economy. It's an investment in small businesses that provide the child care that our communities so desperately need and investment in working families' children and their future. Research has also shown that investing in child care bears a substantial economic benefit to the community by boosting the local economy as a whole as well. So, we want to know...what will be done for the families suffering right now?" said Keishya Coltrain, Group Family Child Care Provider, West Babylon.

WHEN: Sept. 13, 2012, 9:30 a.m.

WHERE: William H. Rogers Legislative Auditorium, 725 Veterans Memorial Highway, Hauppauge, NY

WHY: Suffolk County DSS Commissioner reduced eligibility from 150 percent of the Federal Poverty Level (FPL), which was the third reduction since January 2012 when it was lowered from 200 percent to 185 percent of the FPL. Such a dramatic reduction has left 1200 families scrambling and has resulted in job loss both by parents and providers. Breaking the backs of small business owners who provide care for the children and hard working families is not the answer.

"When families lose child care subsidies, parents face difficult choices. They can "make do" with patchwork arrangements or even illegal care but these arrangements aren't reliable nor do they provide consistent, quality early childhood education that promotes healthy cognitive, social, emotional and physical development. Some parents even have to leave jobs and apply for public assistance. In addition, child care programs – vibrant small businesses that employ community members and support other local businesses – are closing their doors. Investing in child care subsidies keeps parents working and children learning – a win-win for all of us in Suffolk County now, in this challenging economy, and in the future," said Trudy Trujillo, Group Family Child Care Provider, Central Islip.
